Staff Bio:

Sara Czech - Program Coordinator

Sara Czech was first introduced to the SITP program when her son attended fifteen years ago. After many years of volunteering in the school district, transitioning into the role of facilitator at SITP was a perfect fit. Staying in that role for ten years, she is now excited to move into a new position this year as program coordinator. Sara loves being part of a program that brings City Heights students out to our unique campus of museums, theaters, and the zoo.

The primary responsibility of the program coordinator is to support the operational structures of SITP. This includes coordinating and monitoring the day-to-day operations of the program, such as scheduling, training, and the supervision of SITP facilitators and college workers. Additionally, there is the responsibility of coordinating and monitoring transportation, materials, and health needs of students, as well as working with school sites to coordinate Families in the Park.

Interests: Spending time with friends and family, hiking, and exploring new places in San Diego.